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“Gurutto Asia" is a web portal where information from sending and supervising organizations, participant companies, universities, Japanese language schools, and job information from Japanese companies can be found.

This website is aimed at providing mutual opportunities to develop and improve careers and education in participating countries.

Gurutto Asia provides information to workers and gives peace of mind and support. It also provides opportunities to learn new skills to benefit your own country's future development.


Some useful column posts on the foreign technical internship training system.
We post regular updates regarding Japanese manners and etiquette whilst living in Japan.


Interviews of the technical intern trainees, the specified skilled workers and the accepting companies.

Interview with a SSW: Mr. Marbert

【Profile】 LONGATAN MARBERT BALLACAY (hereinafter referred to as "Marbert") 29 years old. Born in the Philippines. Marbert is now working as an automotive mechanic in Fukushima prefecture. Marbert first came to Japan in September 2017. With the thought of majority in the Philippines use Japanese cars, and where is the best to learn how to fix Japanese cars if it's not in Japan. That is why he came here to Japan. ◆What did you want to do in Japan? Please tell us your goals and dreams at that time. My goal was to earn money, hone my skills, and to go back in my home country and establish my own business. ◆What is your current job? I am currently working as an automotive mechanic. ◆Do you have any difficulties at work? It was a bit difficult during my first weeks working here in Japan as my Japanese seniors didn't trust me at first. A lot of adjustments in how to deal with people, how to approach, and how to communicate. ◆How do you spend your holidays? I spend my holidays improving my skills in photography and videography as it is my hobby.   ※Those photos were taken by Marbert. He printed out and presented to our registration support agency. ◆Did you have any problem (such as Japanese language and lifestyle) when you first came to Japan? Lifestyle was not a problem for me, but maybe for others. The language was the real problem, sometimes even now. There was difficulty in how to express what I wanted to say, or wanted to do. But we all can learn, it's just a matter of practice and perseverance, and figuring out how to learn it. ◆How do you feel about your life in Japan now? I feel free, I feel happy. ◆Please tell us about your future dreams. My dream is to turn my hobby into business, to be financially free, and to retire early. I'm working hard now to make my dreams come true! ◆Finally, please give a message to foreigners who have dreams of working in Japan and foreigners who are working in Japan. Life in Japan is not that bad, you just need to learn how to adopt certain rules, more importantly the unspoken rules. Earn, save up, go back to your own country and invest, be financially free. Living in Japan is great, growing old in Japan is not what I would advise. 【Message from the registration support organization】 This time we have Mr. Marbert who has been in Japan for four years, talked about not only his dreams, but also the rules of living in Japan and the freedom that he feels while living here. We also get to know that he wants to continue taking photos and videos as a hobby. Thank you Marbert, for the wonderful gift!


Recruiting information from Japanese companies in the Philippines and Vietnam for those who have completed the technical training program and specified skills

Specified skill

Permanent employee

【特定技能】新しい整備工場で特定技能2名募集します! GKY-001

給与: 基本給:190,000円 皆勤手当:8,000円 時間外労働:月平均25時間(残業代別途支給) 想定される給与総額:198,000円(手当含む・残業代別途支給)① ----- 賃金支払時に控除する項目 ----- (a)税金(b)社会保険料(厚生年金含)(c)雇用保険料 31,045円 (d)居住費 10,000円 (e)光熱費等 実費 総控除額:41,045円 ② 手取り支給額:156,955円= ①-② ※残業代別途支給 ◆賞与 有  年2回:実績により支給します。 ◆その他  整備士の方には、工具を自分で用意いただきます。

Registration support organization | Gurutto Corporation

Specified skill

Permanent employee

【特定技能】日本語能力N3以上 自動車整備のお仕事です!【国内外人材どちらも応募可能】GIM-001

基本賃金 160,000円~ ※能力により決定(技能実習自動車整備2号修了者は180,000円) 残業があるので収入UPも見込めます!(月間40時間) ------ その他諸手当 ------ ■皆勤手当 9,000円 ※ 3か月の試用期間あり 試用期間中は日給:7,500円

Registration support organization | Gurutto Corporation

Specified skill

Permanent employee

★【特定技能】整備【自動車整備】N3以上優遇いたします! GAJ-004

基本給:180,000円 皆勤手当:3,000円 通勤手当:4,200円 JLPT N3以上手当:5,000円 手取り支給額:148,381円= ①-② *残業代別途支給 想定される給与総額:192,200円(基本給18万の場合・手当含む・残業代別途支給)① 総控除額:44,519円 ② ----- 賃金支払時に控除する項目 ---------- (a)税金 3,120円 (b)社会保険料(厚生年金含) 25,146円 (c)雇用保険料 553円 (d)居住費 15,000円 (e)光熱費等 実費 (f)慶弔見舞金 700円 ◆昇給 有(社内規定による) ◆賞与 有(社内規定による) ◆退職金 有(入社49ヶ月経過後、支給対象)

Registration support organization | Gurutto Corporation


We post regular updates regarding new arrival information from supervising organizations, accepting companies, sending organizations, university and Japanese language schools.
  • Philippines Philippines