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Embassy of Japan in the Philippines


Mostly shot in Saga prefecture, Japan, “Between Maybes” is a... [FACEBOOK]

Mostly shot in Saga prefecture, Japan, “Between Maybes” is a film that tells a fascinating story about two people who found peace in the most unexpected place. Starring Ms. Julia Barretto and Mr. Gerald Anderson, the movie gives its viewers a glimpse of the Saga’s beauty as the pair go around key spots around Saga.

If you want to recreate and relive your own “Between Maybes” moments, here are some places you might want to visit https://www.facebook.com/notes/black-sheep/five...-places-to-visit-in-saga-for-your-very-own-between-maybes-moment/885009648503119/

Watch “Between Maybes” in theatres now.

#Japan #VisitJapan # SagaPrefecture #SeichiJunrei

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