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Schedule of Test of "Specified Skilled (i) and (ii)" for the Food Service ※ Updated continuously


Schedule of Test of "Specified Skilled (i) and (ii)" for the Food Service ※ Updated continuously

OTAFF一般社団法人外国人食品産業技能評価機構HPより引用 >外部リンク   2024.08.15 国外試験 【国外試験】外食業の試験情報を更新しました。(ミャンマー・ネパール) 2024.08.13 国外試験 2024年度 外食業及び飲食料品製造業 特定技能1号技能測定試験 国外試験実施状況を発表しました 2024.08.07 国内試験 しけんかいじょうに れんらくをしても しけんは うけられません。 しけんのことは OTAFFに れんらくしてください。 2024.07.31 国外試験 【国外試験】飲食料品製造業の試験情報を更新しました。(フィリピン・インドネシア) 2024.07.22 国内試験 特定技能1号試験の試験案内の翻訳版をアップいたしました。 2024.07.10 国外試験 2024年度 外食業及び飲食料品製造業 特定技能1号技能測定試験 国外試験実施状況を発表しました 2024.07.09 国内試験  2024年度第2回 特定技能1号試験のくわしい試験日程をアップしました。   国内年間スケジュール   くわしい日程(1号)   くわしい日程(2号)     1. 特定技能と試験の目的 2019年4月1日に始まった改正出入国管理及び難民認定法により、「特定技能」という新しい在留資格が作られました。 「特定技能」は、外食業など、日本で働く人々が足りない仕事に、外国から専門の技能を持っている人々を受け入れる制度です。 外食業分野の特定技能1号の在留資格をもらうためには、「技能水準」と「日本語能力水準」の両方に合格しなければなりません。 「日本語能力水準」は、国際交流基金がする「日本語基礎テスト(JFT-Basuc)」または国際交流基金及び日本国際教育支援協会がする「日本語能力試験(JLPT)によって決まります。 外食業分野の「技能水準」は、一般社団法人外国人食品産業技能評価機構(以下、OTAFFという。)がする「外食業特定技能1号技能測定試験」によって決まります。(OTAFFは、試験名を必要に応じ簡略化して表記する場合があります。) 特定技能在留資格認定の申請については、法務省の出入国在留管理庁に問い合わせください。外食業分野及び飲食料品製造業分野の特定技能1号技能測定試験に関すること以外は、OTAFFでは答えられません。 2. 受験資格  外食業の特定技能を日本国内で試験を受けることができる人は、試験の日に、アとイの両方に合っている人です。 ア.在留資格を持っていて(注意1)、試験日に、満17歳以上の人。 イ.退去強制令書の円滑な執行に協力するとして、法務大臣が告示で定める外国政府又は地域の権限ある機関の発行したパスポート(注意2)を持っていること。 (注意1)日本の法律を守って日本に在留している人は試験を受けることができます。在留カードを持っていなくても、法律を守って日本に短期滞在している人も試験を受けることができます。日本の法律を守らないで日本国内にいる人(不法残留者等)は、試験を受けることができません。 (注意2)現在のところ、イラン・イスラム共和国以外の外国政府・地域のパスポートを持っている人は試験を受けることができます。 (注意してほしいこと) ■この試験に合格しても、「特定技能」の在留資格が必ずもらえるということではありません。 試験に合格して、在留資格認定証明書交付又は在留資格変更の申請をしても、必ず在留資格認定証明書がもらえるということではありません。 ■在留資格認定証明書をもらったとしても、査証(ビザ)申請については、外務省が別に審査するので、必ず査証(ビザ)がもらえるということではありません。 3. 試験科目、実施方法等 (試験問題は、全て日本語(漢字はルビ付き)で書いてあります。) 試験科目:学科試験と実技試験の2科目   試験時間:70分 実施方法:ペーパーテスト方式(マークシートを使います。) (1)学科試験 衛生管理、飲食物調理と接客全般の知識と仕事で必要な日本語の能力の試験です。   項目 主な内容 問題数 配点 衛生管理 ・一般衛生管理に関する知識 ・HACCPに関する知識 ・食中毒に関する知識 など 10問 満点:40点 (@4点) 飲食物調理 ・調理に関する知識 ・食材に関する知識 ・調理機器に関する知識 など 10問 満点:30点 (@3点) 接客全般 ・接客サービスに関する知識 ・食の多様化に関する知識 ・クレーム対応に関する知識 など 10問 満点:30点 (@3点)   合計30問 合計100点 (2)実技試験(「判断試験」と「計画立案」)の2つです。) 「判断試験」は、図やイラスト等を見て、正しい行動がどれか、「計画立案」は、計算式を使って、作業の計画となる技能水準を作ることができるか、という仕事の能力の試験です。   項目 主な内容 問題数 配点 判断試験 計画立案 合計 衛生管理 学科試験と同じ 3問 2問 5問 満点:40点 (@8点) 飲食物調理 学科試験と同じ 3問 2問 5問 満点:30点 (@6点) 接客全般 学科試験と同じ 3問 2問 5問 満点:30点 (@6点)   計9問 計6問 合計15問 合計100点     外食業特定技能1号技能測定試験 くわしい試験日程(開催地域・試験会場・開催時刻)はこちら             外食業特定技能1号技能測定試験を日本国外で受験される方 2024年度 試験情報         試験問題の構成、問題数、試験時間、合格基準は、日本国内試験と同じです。 The test contents, number of questions, duration the test, and acceptance criteria are the same as the domestic test in Japan.   詳細な試験案内と試験予定はこちらから Click here to get more information and to schedule your test.   詳細な試験案内と試験予約はこちらから >外部リンク Click here to get more information and to schedule your test. (注1) 2020年度の日本国外での試験は、当機構がプロメトリック株式会社に委託して実施されます。 Note 1: The Organization for Technical Skill Assessment of Foreign Workers in Food Industry commissions Prometric Japan Co., Ltd to conduct the test overseas for FY2020. (注2) 他の国については、政府間の協議を経て、試験実施環境が整った国から順次実施されます。 Note 2: For other countries, the test will be conducted in order from countries that have prepared the test environment after consultations between governments. ◆ 一般社団法人外国人食品産業技能評価機構(OTAFF)◆ >外部リンク




技能実習生が技能実習2号を良好に修了した人は、それらの必要な日本語能力や技術水準に関わる試験などを免除されて「特定技能1号」へ移行できます。 「技能実習2号を良好に修了している」という基準は以下の通りです。 ①技能実習2号を2年10ヶ月以上修了している。 ②技能検定3級または技能実習評価試験の実技試験に合格している。 *2017年11月1日に技能実習法が施行されて以降は、技能実習2号修了の前までに技能検定3級または技能実習評価試験の実技試験を 受検することが義務となっています。 そこで弊社では日本へ特定技能で働きたい方を募集します。 募集条件は、2017年以降で技能実習を良好に修了した人のみとなります。 ①この問い合わせフォームからご連絡頂く ②ヒヤリングシートを送付しますので記入後、弊社サイトの人材バンクに登録されます。 ③日本の企業や監理組合、登録支援機関からスカウトメールが直接ご本人に届きます。 ④手数料をベトナム政府が発表している既定の金額のみで運営している送り出し機関に手続きを依頼します。 ⑤日本で最大5年働くことが可能となります。 【特定技能で受け入れ可能な14職種は以下の通りです】 ・外食業・宿泊・介護・ビルクリーニング・農業・漁業・飲食料品製造業・素形材産業・産業機械製造業・電気・電子情報関連産業・建設業・造船・舶用工業・自動車整備業・航空業  

(Accepting company interview) Yoshida Furniture Store Co., Ltd.


(Accepting company interview) Yoshida Furniture Store Co., Ltd.

Responding to many requests from companies that are considering accepting foreign workers want honest opinions on accepting foreign technical intern trainees. Thanks to Mr. Yoshida, General Manager of the Recruitment consultant Department of Yoshida Furniture Store Co., Ltd., we were able to hear valuable stories. Q. Is there a reason why you wanted to accept technical intern trainees? I was aware of the importance of foreign workers for about five years. When I thought about how to deal with the overwhelming labor shortage that is coming in the future, I came up with the idea that we must aim for a company/organization that can develop human resources. Q. How did you choose the technical intern trainee? We conducted an online interview using Skype. Q. Do you have a special system to accept the technical intern trainee? Although we did not build a system in particular, we tried to provide mental care for existing staff. When this story was raised, the staff was worried, so after deciding to accept technical interns, we coordinated at the monthly conference on interviews, entry into the country, the situation at the training center, etc., and prepared the feelings of our staffs. Q. In the field of nursing care, technical interns have to pass the Japanese Language Test N4. Please give us your frank opinions about the technical intern's communication. It seems that the technical intern understands almost what is told. Perhaps there is a little time lag because she speaks after converting Japanese into her native language but it is not a problem. It has been about a month since she was assigned and her Japanese language skills seem to improve every day. Q. How is the technical intern working? Our users like her and give compliments such as “careful” and “notice well”. Q. Do you have any difficulties in teaching work? The facility has a rule that says "If you don't understand something you have to ask immediately", so if the technical intern hears anything that she doesn't understand she will ask immediately. Also, if there are words that she doesn't understand, she can look for meaning by smartphone immediately, so there is no hardship in teaching work. However, since it seems difficult to write down records (reports) in detail, but I think she will gradually get used to it.  CBấm vào đây để đến trang web của công ty tiếp nhận Short-stay Mirai Tsukimidai   Bấm vào đây để đến trang web của nghiệp đoàn quản lý Nghiệp đoàn thương mại Chiba 

(Accepting company interview) Care Support Yorokobi Co., Ltd.


(Accepting company interview) Care Support Yorokobi Co., Ltd.

Responding to many requests from companies that are considering accepting foreign workers want honest opinions on accepting foreign technical intern trainees. Thanks to Mr. Yoshino, Director of Care Support Yorokobi Co., Ltd.,  we were able to hear valuable stories. Q. Is there a reason why you wanted to accept technical intern trainees? Two or three years ago, a supervising organization came and talked about the existence of this training system. At that time there was no nursing care field in this system, so I was thinking lightly, but in the near future the nursing care industry, which is said to be short of about 550,000 people, will have to rely on overseas human resources. Therefore I want to accept technical interns to know-how and pipes by now. Q. Is there any merit of accepting technical intern trainees? I accepted technical interns in the hope that they would be a good stimulus for the existing staff, but our facility was actually revitalized by the stimulus. Q. How did you choose the technical intern trainees? We conducted an online interview using Skype. Q. How was the online interview? I am grateful to be able to interview without worrying about travel expenses. However, there were parts that were difficult to hear because the voice was interrupted and because they were interviews in Japanese, I could not communicate well and half was a bet (laughs) Q. Do you have a special system to accept the technical intern trainee? If I choose only one person to go to Japan, I felt sorry for being left alone, and I decided to accept two people. We are also making efforts to create an environment where employees can receive education and study. Q. In the field of nursing care, technical interns have to pass the Japanese Language Test N4. Please give us your frank opinions about the technical intern's communication. Immediately after the assignment, I was a little worried, but after a month, their Japanese comprehension has become better. Q. How is the technical intern working? They are serious and hard-working. When being taught a task, they always so that they will always remember the next day. The getting used to work was quicker than expected. Q. Do you have any difficulties in teaching work? I don't feel any difference in culture, and since they are trying to learn, I don't feel any difficulty in teaching work. There is a language barrier, but I think it is a matter of time. To be honest, there are other costs such as supervision and rent subsidies in addition to salary, and I have to prepare if something is missing in the dormitory, it's more expensive than hiring a Japanese. But because they are cute (like kids), I want to help them a lot (laughs).  Click here for Care Support Yorokobi website   Click here for the Supervision Association / Chiba Trading Cooperative   

(Accepting company interview) Wakatsuki Car Co., Ltd.


(Accepting company interview) Wakatsuki Car Co., Ltd.

In response to the many voices of companies that are considering acceptance of foreign workers using foreigner technical intern program and specific residence status in the automobile maintenance industry, we would like to share an interview with the director and sales managers of Wakatsuki Car Co., Ltd., 6th store - Mr. Muramatsu Jun. Wakatsuki Car Co., Ltd., 6th store Director, Sales Manager Mr. Muramatsu Jun Q.What made you decide to accept technical interns? A.To be honest, I wanted to improve the shortage of human resources (it's really not good but ...) and I hope that I could contribute to society. There was a client that accepted the technical interns, so we went to ask them for advice. After all there were a lot of worries, so we went to see the current situation and got a consultation. I decided there was no problem and give it a try. Q.How did you select technical interns? A.I went to Indonesia and interviewed. Q.Did you have any trouble before the technical interns came to the company after you decided to accept? A.There was nothing in particular. After deciding the apprentice, it took 4 months for the technical interns to enter Japan. It may take up to six months now. After entering Japan, the technical interns came to the company after one month of training. Q.How many technical interns does your company currently have? A.There were 3 people at the first acceptance in 2016. 2 more people in 2017 2 more people in 2018 2 more people in 2019 Currently there are 9 technical interns. As the first three will return home in May of this year, we are continuing with the recently arrived interns. Q.Which country are the technical interns from? A.The first 3 are from Indonesia. The other 6 people are from Philippines. Q.Why did you change the sending agency? Was there a reason? A.Indonesian technical interns were very serious, sincere, and really good people without bad habit. However, they had no knowledge of sheet metal and car maintenance, so they need to be taught from scratch. It took a year to be completly entrusted them with work. The sending agency in Philippines has interns with some knowledge. They could work after one month of guidance. We made such a decide by thinking about the immediate force, but the technical interns from Indonesia are really good and hardworking people, so it is a very good human resource if you are teaching from scratch. Q.Please let us know if you have any support for the technical interns. A.We do not do anything especially as a company. They prepare themselves and go to work. I have them do it themselves. Q.Do you support technical interns in learning Japanese? A.The Indonesian technical interns consulted with the union and hired one teacher to study Japanese. We do not do it in particular as company. Q.In terms of salary, considering the starting salary of graduated Japanese students is about 160,000~180,000 yen, there are voices that the salary for technical interns which is about 180,000~200,000 yen is too much. What do you think? A.We also pay 180,000~200,000 yen for technical interns and union fees. Our way of thinking is the technical interns who came to Japan from foreign countries contribute to the growth in technology. The teamwork of the company has also improved. I feel that the merits are more than the amount of money we pay. Q.Were you thinking of accepting technical intern continuously from the beginning? A.I was thinking of waiting to see how the first technical interns work. Then, I could see that they are really good people, and there are a lot of things that I want to do in the future, so I decided to put in more  interns every year. I talked to our employees and ask them to work together for contributing to society. Q.Are you satisfied with your current union? A.Currently we have technical interns from three unions. The support system is completely different depending on the union. Some unions always visit the company every month to talk to the technical interns and take care of them. But some unions can not come right away due to distance problems so they can only make phone calls. We are especially satisfied with the union who visits and takes care every month. Q.It will be eligible for residence status in the field of automobile maintenance with specific skills in the future. Do you have plan to continue employment of technical interns or to hire personnel with specific skills? A.Of course.